Complete in Him!

(Frank Hall)


“You are complete in Him!” Colossians 2:10

Oh desponding Christian, is not your grief caused by looking within yourself? …There is nothing within us to give us hope, rest, or peace. Have we ever found anything within us that gave us joy? Of course not! Then why do we continue to stare into the darkness? …
In ourselves we are sinful, guilty, and vile! But bless God forever!
Our standing before God is not in ourselves; it’s in Christ! He is . . .
our Salvation,
Holiness, and
our Acceptance with God!

Change the direction of your gaze and look up! Stop staring into the empty void of your heart and fix your eyes upon Jesus your Lord, in whom all fullness dwells. Our hope is not within, but without, seated at the right hand of the Father! Lift up your head that is bowed down with guilt and shame! Behold Christ your Savior! Behold your glorious Redeemer! Bid sorrow goodbye and fear depart! Rejoice, for “You are complete in Him!

Believers are perfect in Christ. To be complete in Christ is to be perfect in Christ. Perfect is not something that we will be, or strive to be–but something that we are right now, by virtue of our eternal union with God’s darling Son.


Brothers and sisters in Christ, we are, by the free grace of God, complete in Christ our Savior!

We lack nothing!
All that He is–we are in Him!Complete in Him!
Because All that He has–we have in Him!
All that He has done–we’ve done in Him!
We possess the infinite fullness of eternal life and everlasting salvation in Jesus Christ our Lord!

Because We are completely righteous in Him!
We are completely holy in Him!
Therefore We are completely forgiven in Him!
We are completely accepted in Him!
Because We are completely, everlastingly, perfectly sinless in Him!

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus!” Hebrews 12:2

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