His throne of Grace…

(Henry Law, “Family Prayers”)

Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, Heaven and earth are full of Your glory! Blessing and honor and glory and power be to You, O Father of mercies, O God of all grace and love.

We thank You, that, as vile and sin-soiled as we are–we may come into Your immediate presence. Because we hold this converse with You, and commune with You concerning all our concerns, all our sins, and fears, and hopes and desires.

We are astonished that we, poor sinners on earth, may speak directly to You–our great and glorious God, on Your throne in the Heaven of heavens! How wondrous the thought that our poor breathings may fly on the wings of faith. Because we have instant access to the ears of God’s grace!

We thank You that, in the multitude of Your tender mercies and the riches of Your compassion, You have been pleased to erect this throne of grace before which we now most humbly bow. We bless You that here, free grace reigns. Because We bless You that, at all times and in all places, we have open access to You through the blood of Your dear Son.


We bless You that the veil is open, and that in His great name we may ever approach and find You . . .

ready to hear,His throne of grace
waiting to be gracious,
arrayed in smiles of love,
bidding us to touch the scepter of Your sovereign mercy,
inviting us to pour out every need and desire of our hearts,
and promising to give more than we can ask or think.

Grant, oh grant, that we may be wholly consecrated to You. May we, in spirit, soar far above earth. May our hearts be fast barred against admission of worldly thoughts or cares. Send Your peace, passing all understanding, as a flood into our anxious minds.  May our meditations of You be sweet. And May we drink deeply of the refreshing streams proceeding out of Your throne. May we feast on the heaven-sent manna of Your precious Word, and thus gather strength for the upward race.

Hear us, answer us, bless us we pray. All we ask is in Jesus’ name, and for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

“Therefore let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

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