Who do you trust?

(Robert Traill)

Who do you trust?

“But from Him you are in Christ Jesus, who for us became:
 wisdom from God,
as well as righteousness,
and redemption.” 1 Corinthians 1:30

If a man trusts to his own righteousness, he rejects Christ’s righteousness.
If he trusts to Christ’s righteousness, he rejects his own righteousness.Who do you trust?

I know no true religion but Christianity.

I know no true Christianity but the doctrine of Christ:
of His divine person,
of His divine offices,
of His divine righteousness,
and of His divine Spirit.

I know no true ministers of Christ, but such as make it their business to commend Jesus Christ in His saving fullness of grace and glory, to the faith and love of men.

I know no true Christian, but one united to Christ by faith, and abiding in him by faith and love, unto the glorifying of the name of Jesus Christ, in the beauties of gospel-holiness.

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Stephen Charnock: “The great controversy between God and man has been, whether He or they shall be God; whether His reason or theirs, His will or theirs, shall be the guiding principle. If anything could frustrate God’s will–then it would be superior to Him, God would not be omnipotent, and so would lose the perfection of the Deity, and consequently the Deity itself; for that which did wholly defeat God’s will, would be more powerful than He. To be God and yet inferior to another, is a contradiction!”

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