The happy and holy life

(Octavius Winslow, “Morning Thoughts”)


Child of God, soon, oh, how soon! all that now
loads your heart with care, and wrings it with
sorrow; all that dims your eye with tears, and
renders the day anxious and the night sleepless;
will be as though it had never been!

Emerging from . . .
the entanglement,
the dreariness,
the solitude,
the loneliness and
the temptations of the wilderness,
you shall enter upon  your everlasting rest,
your unfading inheritance, where there is . . .
no sorrow,
no declension,
no sin,
no sunset,
no twilight,
no evening shadows,
no midnight darkness,
but all is one perfect, cloudless, eternal day; for
Jesus is the joy, the light, and the glory thereof.

​~  ~  ~  ~​

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