The path to comfort…

(J.R.Miller, In Green Pastures)

“Being in an agony—He prayed,” is the record of our Savior’s Gethsemane experience. The lesson stands for all time. Like a bright lamp, the little sentence shines amid the olive trees of the garden. It shows the path to comfort in times of sorrow. Never before or since was there such grief as the Redeemer’s, that night. But in His prayer, He found comfort. As we watch Him the hour through, we see the agony changing as He prayed, until at last its bitterness was all gone—and sweet, blessed peace took its place. The gate of prayer is always the gate to comfort. There is no other way to consolation.the path to comfort

We may learn also from our Lord’s Gethsemane, how to pray in our Gethsemanes. God will never blame us for asking to have the cup removed, nor for the intensity of our supplication; but we must always pray with submission. It is when we say, in our deepest sorrow and intensity, “Not my will—but may Your will be done,” that comfort comes, that peace comes.

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(Letters of John Newton)
“The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms!” Deuteronomy 33:27

Oh, how pleasant to lean upon an almighty arm, and to commit ourselves without anxiety to the guidance of infinite wisdom and love!

“This God is our God forever and ever! He will be our guide even unto death!” Psalm 48:14

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4 responses to “The path to comfort…

  1. What a wonderful truth and reminder AJ. We must always remember the responsibility we have to comfort others once we have recognized and received our Fathers comfort. Thank You Lord for giving us peace and knowing that You are always there for us.

  2. Thank you AJ a timely reminder that our Father invites us to come to Him in prayer, and confidence knowing that He blesses us with His peace and His spirit.

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