All of your cares are His cares…

(Octavius Winslow, “My Times in God’s Hand”)

Oh! the unutterable blessings that flow
from a vital union with the Lord Jesus!

all of your cares are His cares.
And all of your sorrows are His sorrows.
All of your needs are His supply.
And all of your sicknesses are His cure.

Believer, nothing can….
separate you from the love of Jesus,
nor sever you from His care,
or exclude you from His sympathy,
nor banish you from His heaven of eternal blessedness!

Fly to Jesus in the confidence of a loving Friend.
Reveal to Him your secret sorrow.

Tell Him your needs, your sufferings, your fears.all of your cares are His cares
Tell Him how you long to . . .
love Him more ardently;
follow Him more closely;
serve Him more devotedly;
and to be more wholly His.

~  ~  ~  ~

(by Octavius Winslow)

What a source of joy you have in Jehovah
amid the joyless, sorrowful path you may tread.

There is everything in Him to make you
happy. Everything to win your confidence,
to inspire your love, to awaken your joy.

Creatures shall fail,
resources shall fail,
hopes shall fail, but
God will never fail you!

His love is as changeless,
and His power is as omnipotent,
His faithfulness is as firm,
Because His resources are as boundless,

as infinite as His being.
​~  ~  ~  ~​

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