He has done all things well!

(James Smith, “Food for the Soul” 1867)

All things work together for good!” Romans 8:28

What! Shall all my severe trials, troubles and afflictions work together for my good? Yes — but they are not good alone — but only in connection with other things.He does all things well
Outward — and inward,
painful — and pleasant,
joyous — and grievous,
gains — and losses,
victories — and defeats,
all work together! And God superintends the working, so as to secure our good and prevent our injury! God aims at our real and lasting good in all that He does — and in all that He permits. He does nothing, nor allows anything to be done which affects us — but what we shall bless and praise Him for, when we see the entire whole in the light of glory!

He has done all things well!

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The sympathy of Jesus
The following is from Bonar’s book,
“The Night of Weeping”

“In all our affliction he is afflicted.”
Jesus weeps with us.
He knows our sorrows, for He has passed
through them all, and therefore He feels
for us. He is touched with the feeling of
our griefs as well as of our infirmities.
Even in His glory He enters most fully into
the fellowship of our burdens and sorrow,
whatever these may be, for there is not
one which He did not taste when He “dwelt
among us” here. His is sympathy, deep,
real, and true. It is no fiction, no fancy.
We do not see His tears falling upon us;
neither do we clasp His hand nor feel the
beating of His heart against ours. But still
His communion with us in suffering is a reality.

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