Gems from William Gurnall

Choice gems from William GurnallChoice gems from William Gurnall, prayer

The gospel is God’s heart in print!
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That book must be worth reading–that has God for the author!
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The pleasures of sin must needs be short, because life cannot be long–and they both end together.
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Cease to pray–and you will begin to sin.
Prayer is not only a means to prevail for mercy–but also to prevent sin.
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To forsake sin, is to leave it without any thought reserved of returning to it again.
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The sheep may fall into a ditch–but it is the swine that wallows in it!
Take heed of deliberate sins!
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“He who is his own teacher, is sure to have a fool for a master!”
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Of all men out of Hell, none more to be pitied than he who hangs over the mouth of it, and yet is fearless of his danger.
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A Christian should deny himself of the world’s carnal joys and delights, lest the ungodly say, “These Christians draw their joy out of our cistern!”
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He who has God’s heart–cannot lack His arm!
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“Faithful are the wounds of a friend–but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” Proverbs 27:6
God’s wounds cure–sin’s kisses kill.

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