Learn to be content…

(from Octavius Winslow‘s “My Times in God’s Hand”)

Covet to live a life of daily dependence on God.

Oh! it is a sweet and holy life!

It will save you….Learn to be content!
many a desponding feeling;
from many a corroding care;
anxious thoughts;
from many a sleepless night;
tearful eyes; and
from many an imprudent and sinful scheme.

Learn to be content with your present lot, with
God’s dealings with you, and His disposal of you.

You are just where His ‘providence’ has, in its
inscrutable but all wise and righteous decision,
has placed you.

Yes, learn to be content!

~  ~  ~  ~
Something to ponder:
“Dear friend, make God your Confidant. Carry to Him all your needs, disclose to Him all your sorrows, confide to Him all your secrets, confess to Him all your sins. He will do all, soothe all, supply all, and pardon all–for who is a God like Him? He cares for you, His loving heart is towards you, His unslumbering eye is upon you! Oh, how condescendingly kind and gentle is Jesus to poor sinners who feel their need of Him, and are conscious that they can do nothing without Him! You will always meet with a kind welcome from Jesus, come when you may and how you will.” Mary Winslow

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