Grace did much more abound!

(“Solitude Sweetened” by James Meikle, 1730-1799)  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio

“Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound!” Romans 5:20

Dear Savior, in Your sufferings I not only see the infiniteness of sin, but also the infiniteness of Your love; so that, though I have cause with myself to be angry on account of sin, I need not despair.

If the deservings of my sinful folly is death–the merit of Your sufferings is life!

If my sins mount up to heaven–Your mercy is above the heavens!

Though my sins reach to the very throne to accuse me–there is One upon the throne who will not condemn me!

When I look to myself and see my vileness and necessity–I am confounded with shame.
But when I look to You, and see Your fullness and all-sufficiency–I am confounded with wonder!

Am I weak? Jesus is my strength.,,Grace did much more abound

Am I foolish? Jesus is my wisdom!

Am I wicked? Jesus is my righteousness!

Am I impure? Jesus is my sanctification!

Am I in bondage? Jesus is my complete redemption!

Am I in misery? From Jesus tender mercy flows.

Am I deceitful? Jesus is wholly truth!

In a word, am I enmity itself?
Then Jesus is love itself which passes understanding!
Mine is but the enmity of a creature–but Yours is the love of God!

Where sin abounded–grace did much more abound!

Where misery has surrounded me–Your mercy has crowned me!

Sin is too strong for me–but Your grace is too strong for sin!

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