Go to Him

(from Winslow’s, “The Broken Heart Bound Up”)

What is your sorrow?
Take your bereaved, stricken and bleeding heart
to Him, and rest it upon His, once bereaved, stricken
and bleeding, too; for He knows how to bind up the
broken heart, to heal the wounded spirit and to
comfort those that mourn.
What is your sorrow?

Has health failed you?

Has property forsaken you?

Have friends turned against you?

Are you tried in your circumstances?

Perplexed in your path?

Are providences thickening and darkening around you?

Or are you anticipating seasons of approaching trial?

Are you walking in darkness, having no light?


Simply go to Jesus. He is an ever open door.

A tender, loving faithful Friend, ever near.

He is a Brother born for your adversity.

His grace and sympathy are sufficient for you.Go to Him

Go to Him in every trial, cast upon Him every
burden, take the infirmity, the corruption, the
cross as it arises, simply and immediately to Jesus!

Jesus is your loving and confiding Brother and Friend,
to go to at all times and under all circumstances.

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Something to ponder:
“Dear friend, make God your Confidant. Carry to Him all your needs, disclose to Him all your sorrows, confide to Him all your secrets, confess to Him all your sins. He will do all, soothe all, supply all, and pardon all–for who is a God like Him? He cares for you, His loving heart is towards you, His unslumbering eye is upon you! Oh, how condescendingly kind and gentle is Jesus to poor sinners who feel their need of Him, and are conscious that they can do nothing without Him! You will always meet with a kind welcome from Jesus, come when you may and how you will.” Mary Winslow
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