Jesus with us

(From Winslow’s, “The Man of God Divinely Prospered”)

“When you go through deep waters and great trouble,
I will be with you. When you go through rivers of
difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through
the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the
flames will not consume you. For I am the Lord, your
God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.” Isaiah 43:3

Jesus with us….
to counsel our perplexities,
guide our feet,
supply our need,
deliver us from the power of our enemies,
keep us from all evil, and
bring us home to glory!

To have Jesus with us is….
to be encircled by every divine perfection;
encompassed by a wall of fire which no foe can penetrate;
to dwell in the munition of rocks;
have our bread and our water sure;
ever at our side a flowing spring in drought;
to have the shadow of a great rock in the heat;
and have a table in the wilderness;
to have the divine cloud and fire safely conducting our journey homeward.


Precious presence of the Lord! It is….
a shield of adamant,
garden of delights,
tower of strength,
and a portion of heaven come down to earth.

Child of God! Jesus is with you in all your history!Jesus with us

Let faith deal with this truth in all its battles and
its trials. You may seem and feel at times alone.
The sun may withdraw itself, and the stars of night
may be draped in cloud. Dark, and dreary, and
lonesome may be your way. Nevertheless, let faith,
whose most brilliant achievements are when it is
the most opposed to sense, grapple with thus truth.
“I am kept, guided, watched over, encircled by the
Unseen God. The Lord is with me, and I will endure as
seeing Him who is invisible.”

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