lean upon His omnipotent arm

(Octavius Winslow’s, “Emmanuel; or God with Us”)

…they will call Him Emmanuel,
which means, ‘GOD with us.’

God, in the infinite counsels of His own mind,Lean upon His omnipotent arm
resolved upon the salvation of His eternally
chosen and loved people.

He saw that there was no eye to pity them,
and no arm to save them. He resolved upon
our salvation, embarked in it, accomplished it;
and eternity, as it rolls upon its axis, will
magnify His name, and show forth His praise.

O beloved! what an assuring and comforting
truth is this: GOD with us! Now we feel……
equal to every service,
prepared for every trial,
armed for every assault.

Deity is our shield,
our arm!
Deity is our Father and our Friend,
and has died for us,
atoned for us!
Diety has saved us!
And Deity will bring us safely to the realms of bliss!

Come, then, and lean upon His omnipotent arm!

You have no need which from His infinite supplies
cannot be met; no stone of difficulty in your pilgrimage
which His might cannot remove; no burden which His
arm of power cannot bear, no perplexity which His
wisdom cannot guide. In a word, you have no condition
to which Christ, our ever-present God, is not equal.

In faith and humility make practical use of your Savior’s
divinity; and when all that is merely ‘human’ has failed,
broken like a rope of sand, dissolved like a passing vapor;
or has pierced your too fondly leaning hand like a
shattered reed; then take hold of this precious truth,
and say, “My Savior God is with me in all the boundless
resources of His Godhead, why then should I fear?”

Lean upon His omnipotent arm!

~  ~  ~  ~

For more go to:  https://abbeyjahath.com/devotionals

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