He always gives sufficient grace

(J.R. Miller, “How to Live a Beautiful Christian Life” 1880 excerpts)  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio

We may think that our lot is especially hard, and may wish that it were otherwise….

But the fact remains that the place in which we find ourselves, is the very place in which the Master desires us to live our life! There is no haphazard in God’s world. God leads every one of His children by the right way. He knows where and under what influences, each particular life will ripen best. …

The peculiar trials to which we are each subjected is the exact discipline we each need to bring out the beauties and graces of true spiritual character in us. God knows what is best for us–He makes no mistakes!

Some require the fierce storms; some will only thrive in the shadow of worldly adversity; and some come to ripeness more sweetly under the soft and gentle influences of prosperity–whose beauty, rough experiences would mar. The divine Gardener knows what is best for each one!

There is no position in this world in the allotment of Providence, in which it is not possible to be a true Christian exemplifying all the virtues of godliness. The grace of Christ has in it, potency enough to enable us to live godly–wherever we are called to dwell. When God chooses a home for us, He fits us for its peculiar trials. For rough, flinty paths–He provides shoes of iron. He never sends anyone to climb sharp, rugged mountain-sides, wearing silken slippers.
He always gives sufficient grace
He always gives sufficient grace.
As the burdens grow heavier, the strength increases.
When the difficulties thicken, He draws closer.
As the trials become sorer, the trusting heart grows calmer.

Jesus always sees His disciples, when they are toiling in the waves–and at the right moment He comes to deliver them. Thus it becomes possible to live a true and victorious life in any circumstances. The sharper the temptations, the more of divine grace is granted. There is, therefore, no environment of trial, or difficulty or hardship–in which we cannot live beautiful lives of Christian fidelity and holy conduct. …

The true victory is not found in escaping or evading trials, but in rightly meeting and enduring them.

The questions should be, “How can I pass through these trying experiences–and not fail as a Christian? How can I endure these struggles–and not suffer defeat? How can I live amid these provocations, these testings of my temper–and yet live sweetly, not speaking unadvisedly, bearing injuries meekly, returning gentle answers to insulting words?” This is the true problem of Christian living.

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