A new heart and a new life

(Hannah More, “Practical Piety“)

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In salvation, the Holy Spirit operates on the human character to produce a new heart and a new life. Because by this operation the affections and faculties of the man receive a new impulse . . .
his dark understanding is illuminated,
and his rebellious will is subdued.
because his irregular desires are rectified,
and his warped judgment is informed.
Therefore his vile imagination is chastened,
and his sinful inclinations are sanctified, also
his hopes and fears are directed to their true and adequate end.
Therefore Heaven becomes the object of his hopes–and eternal separation from God becomes the object of his fears.

Because His love of the world, is transformed into the love of God.

Therefore the lower faculties are pressed into the new service.

Because the senses have a higher direction.

Therefore the whole internal frame and constitution receive a nobler bent . . . a new heart and a new life
his intents and purposes of the mind acquire a sublimer aim;
and his aspirations gain a loftier flight;
his vacillating desires find a fixed object;
and his vagrant purposes attain a settled home;
because his disappointed heart has a certain refuge.

That heart, no longer the worshiper of the world, now struggles to overcome it.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation!
Old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

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