Trust your Father’s Word

(James Smith, “Daily Bible Readings”)

I will arise and go to my Father!” Luke 15:18

This is a child’s cry!
It is full of meaning.
And is full of love.
It is full of comfort.
Because it is a title which the Lord loves to hear us use!

Lord, give us the Spirit of adoption, and let
us know and feel, that we are Your children!

To whom will you repair in trouble?
And to whom will you look in difficulty?
To whom will you cry in danger?
From whom will you ask when in need?
Surely I hear you say, “My Father!”

Who speaks to you in the Bible? Trust your Father's Word
And who purifies and cleanses you?
Again you will say, “My Father!”

Who supports the world?
And Who controls the nations?
Who chains up Satan?
And Who comforts the believer?
Who pardons the backslider?
Again you reply, “My Father!”

Then I exhort you to . . .
trust your Father’s Word,
abide in His heart,
expect from your Father’s hand,
and say in every trial:
“I will arise and go to my Father!”

~  ~  ~  ~​

(by Octavius Winslow)

What a source of joy you have in Jehovah
amid the joyless, sorrowful path you may tread.

There is everything in Him to make you
happy. Everything to win your confidence,
to inspire your love, to awaken your joy.

Creatures shall fail,
resources shall fail,
hopes shall fail, but
God will never fail you!

~  ~  ~  ~

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2 responses to “Trust your Father’s Word

  1. Wonderful reminder aj…our FATHER…nothing less. HE tells us to come to Him as children, HIS children, confident and blessed knowing that ALL He does ids for our good whether we like it or not.

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