He is always at your side

(James Smith, “The Pastor’s Evening Visit”)

“Who is this coming up from the wilderness—leaning upon her Beloved?” Song of Solomon 8:5

Jesus is the object of a believer’s love.
To him—the world is a wilderness.
Heaven is his Father’s house—and his home.
He is passing through the wilderness in company with Jesus.

He is represented as the bride leaning on her Beloved.
This is indicative of confidence in her Beloved.

He is her strength—as well as her guide.
He is her support—as well as the object of her affection…
leaning on Him—as well as conversing with Him.
He supports —as well as comforts.

Believer, keep close to your Savior’s side! Never leave Him while in this waste howling wilderness. Lean on Him! And when you feel weak—lean hard!

His strong arm is put forth to support your weak frame.
He will bear you up. He will lead you on.

The more you lean on Him—the more you will love Him!
The more you love Him—the closer you will cleave to Him!

YielHe is always at your sided to His guidance,
trust in His love,
lean on His power,
walk by His side.

In His company—you are safe!

In communion with Jesus, you will be happy! Like the two disciples of old, your heart will be warmed, and you will be at the end of your journey before you are aware of it!

He is always at your side—so lean hard!

“Who is this coming up from the wilderness—leaning upon her Beloved?” Song of Solomon 8:5

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For more go to:  https://abbeyjahath.com

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