Who was the real St. Patrick

The following is from “A Note from the Author to Parents and Educators” included in Patrick: God’s Courageous Captive. This is a children’s book published by VOM telling the true story of St. Patrick’s Day. (excerpts)

Who was the real St. Patrick and why do we celebrate his life on this day?who is real st. Patrick

Patrick lived a full life, but not without his share of suffering and adventure. He was born in Britain, in the fourth century A.D., during a time of great uncertainty for the Roman Empire. The Roman legions were called away to defend themselves in other regions of the Roman Empire. Therefore, Britain was left vulnerable to attacks.

Before Patrick turned 16, he and his family spent time at their holiday villa by the sea, when Irish pirates attacked it just before dawn. Although Patrick’s family escaped, Patrick and many of the family’s workers did not. Soon they were en route to Ireland, where Patrick was sold as a slave to Miliuc of Slemich, a Druid tribal chieftain.

Patrick was given the task of a herdsman. Raised in a Christian home (his father, a civil magistrate, tax collector, and church deacon), Patrick never made a decision to follow Christ until kidnapped and made a slave. In his autobiography, Confessions, Patrick wrote, “…‘the Lord opened my senses to my unbelief,’ so that I might remember my many sins; and accordingly ‘I might turn to the Lord my God with all my heart.’”

He wrote how his faith in God grew as he prayed to Him while he shepherded flocks: “But after l had come to Ireland, it was then I was made to shepherd the flocks. As l did so, I prayed all the time, through the day. More and more the love of God and fear of Him grew strong within me. As my faith grew, so the Spirit became more and more active … In snow, in frost, in rain, I would hardly notice any discomfort. I was never slack but always full of energy. It is clear to me now, that this was due to … the Spirit within me.”

But Patrick’s devotion to God did not go unnoticed. He soon earned the nickname “Holy Boy” among his fellow slaves.

One night Patrick had a dream. In it, he heard a voice telling him, “Soon you will be returning to your own country.” In another dream he received a response to the first dream. “Come see where your ship is waiting for you.” At the age 22, Patrick escaped and traveled 200 miles to Ireland. Of his long journey across Ireland, he wrote: “I turned ran away, leaving behind the man to whom I had been bound for six years. I came away from him in the power of God, for it was He who was guiding my every step for the best. And so I felt not the least anxiety until I reached the ship.”

Patrick approached one of the men on the ship. When he asked to board, the seaman scowled at him. Patrick started to leave when the man called back to him, saying other passengers wanted him on board. Patrick wrote, “In spite of this, I still hoped that they might come to have faith in Jesus Christ.”

The journey by boat was long, including a stop on land for 28 days. After having run out of food, the captain turned to Patrick and challenged him to ask his God for more. Patrick responded, “Turn trustingly to the Lord who is my God and put your faith in Him. Nothing is impossible to Him. On this day, He will send us food sufficient for our journey, for Him abundance is everywhere.” In Patrick’s autobiography, when the men turned, a herd of pigs was standing before them. They feasted for days and gave thanks to God.

Two years later Patrick finally made it to his beloved Britain into the arms of his mother and father who pleaded with him never to leave them again. Patrick began to settle back into his life in Britain and studied to become a priest and a bishop. But one night Patrick had a dream of a man who seemed to come from Ireland. He carried a letter with the words “The Voice of the Irish.” As Patrick began to read the words, he seemed to hear the voice of the same men he worked with shouting, “Holy broth of a boy, we beg you, come back among us.”

But church leaders and Patrick’s parents fiercely opposed his plans to return to Ireland. They did not think the Druids were worth saving. His family shuddered of him returning to barbaric Ireland with the gospel. Of this opposition, Patrick later wrote, “So, at last, I came here to the Irish gentiles to preach the gospel. And now I had to endure insults from unbelievers, ‘hear criticism of my journeys’ and suffer many persecutions ‘even to the point of chains.’… And should I prove worthy, I am ready and willing to give up my own life, without hesitation, for His name … There was always someone talking behind my back and whispering, ‘Why does he want to put himself in such danger among his enemies who do not know God?’” Patrick sold his title of nobility to become the “slave of Christ serving the barbaric nation.”

While in Ireland, Patrick shared the gospel with his former slave owner, Miliuc the Druid. Instead of turning his back on his pagan gods, Miliuc locked himself in his house and set it on fire. Outside Patrick pleaded with him to turn to Christ. It is said that Miliuc drowned out Patrick’s pleas by crying out to his false gods.

Miliuc’s refusal to hear the gospel was the beginning of Patrick’s challenges with the Druids. He spread the Good News across Ireland and taught its people how to read and write…

Patrick continued his journey across Ireland. He preached at racetracks and other places of worldly indulgences, seeing many come to Christ. However, this was not without opposition. The Druids often tried to poison him. One time a barbarian warrior speared Patrick’s chariot driver to death in an attempt to kill Patrick. He was often ambushed at his evangelistic events and was enslaved again for a short time…In Confessions, Patrick wrote, “As every day arrives, I expect sudden death or deception or being taken back as a slave or other misfortune. But I fear none of them since I look to the promise of heaven. I have flung myself into the hands of the all-powerful God, who rules as Lord everywhere.”

Patrick journeyed throughout Ireland, sharing Christ until his death on March 17, around the year 461 A.D. Later Irish mythological creatures known as leprechauns would creep into the holiday celebrations, as well as the symbol of the shamrock, believed to have been used by Patrick to illustrate the Trinity as he preached and taught. Some legends have circulated stating Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland. Since there are no snakes in Ireland and snakes often symbolize the devil and evil, many believe the “snakes” were a metaphor representing his work of driving the idol-worshipping Druid cult out of the country.

We may never be enslaved, imprisoned, or beaten because of our faith in Christ, but many may make fun of us for believing in Jesus’ promise of heaven and placing our faith in a God they do not see with their eyes and cannot touch with their hands.

We pray this version of Patrick’s courageous life will inspire you to stand firm in Christ and stand strong for Him as you tell others about the greatest gift we can ever be given – salvation through Jesus!

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