The Lord has upheld

(James Smith, “My Support” 1859)

“They attacked me at a moment when I was in distress—but the Lord was my support!” Psalm 18:18

Believer, you and I can look back—and wonder how it is that we are where we are, and what we are: how we have held on, and held out until now. Here is the whole secret of the case—But the Lord was my support!”

In the seasons of my greatest difficulty, The Lord has upheld
in all my times of sorrow and danger,
when I was filled with fears and doubts,
when in deep trouble and afflictions,
when all creature help failed me,
when my heart worried and vexed me,
when my enemies were just ready to overwhelm me,
when my feet were almost gone,
when my steps had well near slipped,
in my darkest nights,
in my dreariest days,
—then the Lord was my support!

My journey has been long,
my road has been peculiarly difficult,
my heart has been weak,
my enemies have been strong,
and long ago I must have perished in my afflictions—or been a prey to my foes—but the Lord was my support!

I would have fainted under my heavy burdens,
I would have yielded to my enchanting temptations,
I would have fled before my powerful foes
but the Lord was my support!

Yes, the Lord has upheld, supported, and supplied me along the treacherous way with His free grace, His inviolable faithfulness, and His unchangeable love!

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