Saving faith

(William S. Plumer, “Vital Godliness: A Treatise on Experimental and Practical Piety” 1864)

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Saving FaithSaving faith is the great foster-parent of all that belongs to scriptural piety. Faith begets . . .
true worship,
godly fear,
devout thanksgiving,
genuine humility,
Christian boldness,
holy joy,
evangelical repentance,
enlarged liberality,
fervent love,
a pure conscience,
a holy life,
victory over the world,
eternal glory!

Faith gazes upon the cross until the course of the new nature is set on fire with heavenly love!

Saving faith . . .
  unites to Christ,
lays hold of salvation,
conquers every foe,
brings every blessing into the soul,
consents to be nothing, that God may be all and in all,
pronounces death abolished,
  always begets humility,
is self-renouncing,

  excludes boasting,
is jealous for God’s honor,
brings forth forgiveness to enemies,
begets repentance,
nourishes other graces,
ever clings to the fullness of Christ,
kindles love to an unseen Savior,
is ever laying its crown at the feet of Immanuel,
puts things in their proper place,
abases the sinner in the dust,
sets God on the throne of universal dominion,
pronounces all God’s ways just and right,
counts all things as loss, for the excellency of the knowledge of God’s dear Son!

“True, saving, justifying faith carries the soul through all difficulties, discouragements, and natural impossibilities–to Jesus Christ!” (William Bridge)

“Precious faith!” (2 Peter 1:1)

If you desire . . .
a useful life,
a pleasant old age,
a comfortable death,
a blissful immortality–
believe God,
trust to His grace,
rely on His Son.

Rely on . . .
God alone as your Father,
Christ alone as your Redeemer,
the Holy Spirit alone as your Comforter.

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