God loves His people

(Brooks,A Word in Season to Suffering Saints“)

“You were precious in My sight, and
I have loved you.” Isaiah 43:4

God loves His people with a first love! 1 John 4:19
“We love Him because He first loved us.” By nature
we were without God, and afar off from God; because we were
strangers to God, and enemies to God, yes, haters
of God! Therefore if God had not loved us first—
we would have been everlastingly undone! …

God loves His people with an everlasting love!God loves His people
Jer. 31:3, “I have loved you with an everlasting
love; therefore, with loving-kindness have I drawn
you.” That is, “I love you with the love of perpetuity,
or with the love of eternity. Therefore My love and My affections
to you shall continue forever!”

God loves His people with an unchangeable love!

Mal. 3:6, “I am the Lord, I do not change; therefore
you sons of Jacob are not consumed.” Because Men change,
and counsels change, and occurrences change, and
friends change, and relations change, and kingdoms
change; but God never changes! Therefore “He who is the Glory
of Israel does not lie or change His mind; for He is not
a man, that He should change His mind,” 1 Sam. 15:29.
God is immutable in His nature, in His essence, in His
counsels, in His attributes, in His decrees, in His
promises, etc. He is Omnina immutabilis, “Altogether
immutable!” …

God loves His people with the greatest love, with
a matchless love! John 3:16, “God so loved.”
This signifies . . .
the greatness of God’s love,
the vehemence of His love, and
the admirableness of His love.

What an unspeakable comfort must this be to God’s
people—to have the presence of a loving God, to have
the presence of such a loving God with them in all their
troubles and deep distresses! Because If the presence of a loving
friend, a loving relation in our troubles and distresses,
is such a mercy—oh, what then is the presence of a
loving God!

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