By the Grace of God…

(Letters of William Romaine, 1714-1795)

“By the grace of God I am what I am!”

What was I, that God should set His love upon me before time; and call me to the saving knowledge of His Son, whom to know aright is life eternal? Why me, Lord?By the grace of God

And what am I even now, since I have felt something of the power of His precious gospel? Why me, Lord?

What was I, what am I–that I should be eternally chosen and effectually called and perfectly accepted in the Beloved? Not unto me, in the least, not unto me, but unto Your sovereign grace be all the praise!

“Oh, help me to ascribe to You the glory due to Your great name; for I am surrounded, I am loaded with Your benefits. All Your dealings with me show forth Your loving-kindness. In temporals, as well as spirituals, I am singularly favored. Oh, let me never be allowed to rob You of Your glory, but help me to give it all where it is due, in life and death and to all eternity–to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.”

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Fly to Jesus!

(Octavius Winslow, “My Times in God’s Hand”)

Oh! the unutterable blessings that flow
from a vital union with the Lord Jesus!

All of your cares are His cares.
Your sorrows are His sorrows.
All of your needs are His supply.
Your sicknesses are His cure.

Believer, nothing can…
separate you from the love of Jesus,
nor sever you from His care,
exclude you from His sympathy,
nor banish you from His heaven of eternal blessedness!

Fly to Jesus in the confidence of a loving Friend.
Reveal to Him your secret sorrow.

Tell Him your needs, your sufferings, your fears.
Tell Him how you long to . . .
love Him more ardently;
follow Him more closely;
serve Him more devotedly;
and to be more wholly His.

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