Every trial labeled LOVE

(James Smith, “Our Father and Comforter”)  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio

“No one should be shaken by these afflictions; for you yourselves know that we are appointed to this.” 1 Thessalonians 3:3

Man is born to trouble–as the sparks fly upward. Affliction does not come forth from the dust; neither does trouble spring out of the ground. Because trouble is the natural consequence of sin; and all trouble springs from this bitter root. But God makes our trouble, our medicine; and uses it for our present and everlasting welfare.

Our troubles are not the inflictions of an angry God, but the chastisements of a loving Father! He foresaw what we would be, and what would be necessary for us–and consequently, He has appointed . . .
the number,
the nature, and
the length of our troubles.

Every Christian has his ‘cup of trials’–

it is mixed by his Father’s wisdom and put into his hand by his Father’s providence. He should therefore take it, endeavor to acquiesce in it, and say with Jesus, “The cup that My heavenly Father gives me–shall I not drink it?” Every trouble . . .
comes from God’s appointment,
is intended to do us good, and
will be overruled for our real welfare!

Every trial labeled “LOVE”if only we could read the writing! And in every affliction God calls to us, saying, “Come near unto Me that I may bless you!”Every trial labeled LOVE

Let us, then, draw near unto God, and show our trouble to Him!
Therefore Let us entreat him to sanctify it to us, that it may . . .
wean us from earth,
consecrate us to Jesus,
and fit us for Heaven!

All is love–which comes from the God of love!

“He is unchangeable; who can oppose Him? And He does what He desires. He will certainly accomplish what He has decreed for me.” Job 23:13-14

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