All is ours

(Winslow, “Daily Need Divinely Supplied” 1870)

The Lord is my portion, says my soul;
therefore I will hope in Him.”  Lament. 3:24

As the Lord’s true priesthood, this world is not our
portion, nor earth our rest.

It needs no little teaching and discipline
of our God, and no little faith on our part,
before we are led to give up . . .
the world,
the creature,
and all,
for Christ; satisfied to have the Lord alone as
our Portion, and heaven only as our inheritance.

“The Lord is my portion, says my soul.” His love
to us was so great, that when He could give no
greater proof of that love, He gave HIMSELF!
Nothing more could have expressed the yearnings
of His heart, nothing less could have satisfied the
desires of ours.

And oh, what a Portion is God!

All that He is, and all that He has is ours . . .
every attribute of His being is over us,
perfection of His nature encircles us,
every pulse of His heart beats for us,
and glance of His eye smiles upon us.

We dwell in God, and God dwells in us.

It is not the world which is our portion, but
HE who made, upholds and governs the world.

It is not the creature who is our portion, but
the Lord of angels and the Creator of men.

Infinite portion!
Illimitable power!
Immeasurable grace!
Boundless love!
All satisfying good!
All is ours!

What a Portion is Christ . . .All is ours
a divine Christ,
a redeeming Christ,
a sympathizing Christ,
an ever present Christ,
an ever precious Christ,
an ever-loving Christ!

“Lord, I bless You for the trial that brought
me to realize what a divine, all satisfying Portion
I have in Yourself. You took from me an earthly
portion, only to enrich me with a Heavenly one.
You removed from me the human prop upon which
I too fondly  leaned, that I might learn
what Christ was, as my soul’s all sufficient,
all satisfying, and everlasting Portion. I can now
admire the wisdom, and adore the love, that blasted
my gourds and emptied me from vessel to vessel;
that, rising superior to the broken staff, the drooping
flower, and the failing spring of creature good, I
might claim my portion as a true spiritual Levite
in Yourself alone.”

​~  ~  ~  ~​

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