He is precious

(James Smith, “Christ Precious!” 1861)  Play Audio!  Download

“Unto you therefore who believe, He is precious!” 1 Peter 2:7

Every believer VALUES Christ. Let others think of Him as they may, all who are taught of God, think highly of Him. They can never honor Him as they wish, or enjoy Him to their full satisfaction.

Every believer feels their NEED of Him.
No weary traveler ever felt his need for rest,
or hungry laborer ever felt his need for food,
no drowning mariner ever felt his need for a life-boat
–as the believer has felt his need of Christ!

They need to be saved, and only Christ can save them.
and need to be happy, and only Jesus can make them happy.
They need His blood to cleanse them from sin and procure their pardon.
And need His righteousness to clothe their souls and justify them before God.
They need His Spirit to sanctify their nature and make them fit for Heaven.
And need His intercession to secure them from evil and procure for them good things.
They need His fullness of grace, to supply all their needs from earth to Heaven.

Every believer discovers the exact SUITABILITY of Christ to them.
He is just what they need! He has all that they need!
They are foolish, and He has wisdom;
are unrighteous, and He has righteousness;
unholy, and He has holiness.
They are weak, and He has strength;
are in bondage, and He has redemption;
lost, and He has salvation.
In a word, they are led to see that God has stored up everything in Jesus, and that possessing Him they have all things!

Every Christian believes in Him for the saving of the soul.

They trust Him to procure their pardon, peace with God, and everlasting life.
Their heart goes out to Him,He is precious
they repose confidence in Him,
commit their souls to Him,
build on Him, as God’s foundation;
hide in Him, as the sinner’s refuge; and
trust themselves with Him, as the almighty Savior.

“Unto you, therefore, who believe, He is precious!”

But Jesus is only precious to believers. Others . . .
do not feel their need of Him,
nor see His adaptation to them, and
do not depend on Him for pardon, peace with God, and everlasting life.

Beloved, do you have this saving faith, which renders Christ so precious?

If so, admire the sovereign and distinguishing grace of God which has conferred so great a blessing upon you, for not all are given saving faith.

If so, realize the importance of this faith, which renders Christ so precious.
It is the eye, which sees the beauty of Christ;
the foot, which travels to Christ;
hand, which lays hold of Christ;
mouth, which tastes the sweetness of Christ.
It is the inward principle, which clings and cleaves to Christ.

Avoid therefore whatever weakens faith, or interrupts its exercise, and prize whatever strengthens it, and makes it vigorous!

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