Other refuges may fail

(John MacDuff, “Evening Incense” 1856)

“The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised!” Job 1:21

O my Father, let me feel, even amid the troublous changes of life, that what I am apt to call painful vicissitudes — are the sovereign allotments of Your infinite wisdom!

Let me rejoice that every bitter drop in the ‘cup of life’ — is allowed by my Heavenly Father! Therefore, may I submissively drink it, saying, “May Your will be done!”

What I cannot now comprehend — be it mine to wait for the disclosures of that blessed morning. When standing at the luminous portals of Heaven, I shall joyfully acknowledge that “You have done all things well!” Other refuges may fail

I look forward to that time when all Your inscrutable dealings will be unfolded when inner meanings and purposes now undiscerned by the eye of sense. Because it will be brought to light, and all discovered to be full of infinite love! Other refuges may fail — but I am as secure in You, as everlasting love and wisdom and power can make me!

Blessed Jesus! I would seek to cleave closer and closer to Your cross! May I follow You, O Lamb of God — wherever You see fit to lead me. May I never feel as if I would wish one jot or tittle regarding me to be altered. Therefore the reins of universal empire are in Your hands!

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