God loves to help us

(James Smith, “The Sure Resource!“) Play Audio! Download Audio

“The Lord is my Helper! Hebrews 13:6

The Christian need not be discouraged; he has a Friend who can, and is always willing to help him. It is his God, his sure resource. He may be disappointed by others, but this is divinely appointed, in order to lead him to trust only in his God.

Beloved, our God Himself loves to help us! Because It is His delight to do us good. He is pleased to see us coming to Him for assistance, or for grace, or for His blessing; especially if we come in a filial spirit–as children to a Father.

But Help is sure to be needed, for we have . . .
many difficulties to overcome, God loves to help us
foes to conquer,
trials to endure,
duties to perform,
and many privileges to enjoy.
But not one of them can be attended to with success, without divine help.

Therefore We have to . . .
mortify sin,
cultivate holiness,
live above the world,
exercise our graces,
and labor for God,
but such is our ignorance, and such is our weakness–that unless we are assisted by divine wisdom and strengthened by divine power, we shall utterly fail in every point!

Therefore God is a powerful, an omnipotent helper;

He has Heaven and earth at His command. It is nothing for Him to help. He can work deliverance by the weakest instruments; and often does, in order to confound the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.

Therefore He is a wise and judicious helper, and affords His assistance in such a way as to . . .
hide pride from men;
exercise the graces of His people;
try the sincerity of those who profess to rely upon Him;
and keep His saints humble at His footstool.

He equally displays His grace, wisdom, and power in . . .
the help He affords,
supplies He sends, and
deliverances He works.

Therefore Believer, see what you have to expect. You will be tried, feel your own weakness, learn more and more, your need of divine help. Yes, you will be brought to see that only the Lord can afford you the help you need, that you need a helper, who is . . .
infinite in wisdom,
omnipotent in power, and
whose grace is immutable and free.

Therefore See to whom you are to look for help in every duty, trial or conflict, to the Lord–to the Lord always, for all that you need, and to Him alone.

Because “The Lord is my Helper!” Hebrews 13:6

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