His grace is sufficient

(James Smith, “Daily Bible Readings for the Lord’s Household”)

“I have laid help upon One who is mighty!” Psalm 89:19
And who is this mighty One — but Jesus?
He alone can help us . . .
in all our struggles with sin,
and our conflicts with Satan;
in all our trials in the world;
our domestic troubles, and
in encountering the last enemy, death.

Jesus is our almighty helper! We must . . .His grace is sufficient
look to Him,
expect from Him, and
conquer by the help received from Him.

His grace is sufficient for us, and His strength is made perfect in our weakness.

Every trouble cries, “Go to Jesus for help!”

Every affliction exhorts, “Look to Jesus for help!”

Without His help — we must fail!

With His help — we can never fail!

“For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you: Do not fear — I will help you!” Isaiah 41:13

“Do not be afraid, O worm Jacob, O little Israel, for I Myself will help you!” Isaiah 41:14

YES, His grace is sufficient!

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We travel through this intricate wilderness
It is only by constantly looking to Christ
that we can get joy and comfort.

Thus, looking to Jesus and going to Jesus,
we travel through this intricate wilderness
comfortably and safely to our home in heaven.
   (Mary Winslow)

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For more go to:  https://abbeyjahath.com/devotionals

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