He knows the way I take

(from Octavius Winslow’s “Christ, the Shepherd”)

“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep…”
John 10:14
Jesus possesses a perfect knowledge of His sheep,
collectively and individually. How else could He meet
the demands of each and all of a flock composed of
countless numbers, and scattered far and wide over
the face of the earth?He knows….
our names,
our requirements;
all our individual circumstances, positions, and needs.

I know my sheep,” is His own declaration of
this glorious truth, and a more precious truth;
one more replete with assurance and comfort
never flowed from His grace anointed lips.

My soul, ponder this truth in the light of yourHe knows the way I take
individuality, and reason the matter with yourself
thus: Jehovah, my Shepherd, knows me individually.
He calls me by my name; recognizes my person;
is acquainted with my needs; and is cognizant of
the path I tread. And although others may but
imperfectly know me, or know me not at all; my
actions misunderstood, my motives misconstrued;
ignorant of my daily cross, my veiled sorrow, and
the narrow and difficult path I tread; nevertheless,
Jesus the Shepherd has declared; “I know my sheep.”
Enough, my Lord!
Not a path perplexes me;
nor a cloud shades me;
not a difficulty embarrasses me;
nor a need grieves me;
not a grief distresses me;
nor a being wounds me;
but You, the Lord my Shepherd, know it altogether.

“He knows the way that I take; and when
He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.”

“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep…”
John 10:14


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