Comfort in this teaching

(J. R. Miller)

“I am the Good Shepherd; I know My sheep.” John 10:14

When we think of the millions who are in Christ’s flock,
it seems strange to us that He knows and calls each one
by name. Yet the truth is made very clear in Scripture.

Every mother knows her own children by name, and it
is as easy for the Good Shepherd to know each of His
millions by name—as for any human mother to know
each of her little children.

There is comfort in this teaching. We are not lost in There is comfort in this teaching
the crowd.
Each one of of God’s children, is the special
object of His love, thought and care!

“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have
called you by name; you are Mine!” Isaiah 43:1

“For you are a people holy to the Lord your God.
The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the
peoples on the face of the earth to be His people,

 His treasured possession!” Deuteronomy 7:6
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(John Angell James)

Some of the benefits of affliction, are that it . . .
quickens prayer,
extracts the balmy sweets of the promises,
endears the Savior.

And to crown all, affliction directs the mind to that
glorious state where the days of our mourning shall
be ended—that happy country where God shall wipe
every tear from our eyes, and there shall be no
more sorrow or crying.

Nothing so composes the mind, and helps it to
bear the load of trouble which God may allow upon
it—as the prospect of its ending & looking forward

to Heaven.

In that one word, HEAVEN, genuine piety provides
a balm for every wound, a cordial for every care.

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2 responses to “Comfort in this teaching

  1. WONDERFUL TRUTH! Our FATHER KNOWS US! But more than just a Truth a blessing and a comfort for each of us. What a wonderful reminder aj in light of where the world is today. Thank you for sharing both His Word and HIS PROMISE!

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