His daily help

(J. C. Ryle, “To Whom?” 1880)
“Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words
of eternal life!”
John 6:68

Where, indeed, could we turn . . .
for peace of heart,
satisfaction of conscience,
for hope in the world to come,
–if we turn away from Jesus?

To whom, indeed, shall we go for help, strength,
and comfort–if we turn our backs on Christ?

We live in a world of troubles, whether we like it or
not. Because Our bodies are liable to a thousand ailments,
and our hearts to a thousand sorrows. Since No creature
on earth is so vulnerable, and so capable of intense
physical as well as mental suffering, as man.

Because Sickness, His daily help
and private family trials,
which no mortal eye sees, will break in upon us
from time to time; and we desperately need help
to meet them! Alas, where will our thirsty, wailing
hearts find such help–if we leave Christ?

The plain truth is, that nothing but an almighty
personal Friend
will ever meet the legitimate
needs of man’s soul–with His daily help,
sympathy, and watchful care.

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J.C. Ryle:
“Is the Bible the Word of God?

Then be sure you never read it without fervent prayer for the help and teaching of the Holy Spirit. Because Here is the rock on which many make shipwreck. They do not ask for wisdom and instruction–so they find the Bible dark, and carry nothing away from it. Therefore You should pray for the Spirit to guide you into all truth. You should beg the Lord Jesus Christ to “open your understanding,” as He did that of His disciples. Because The Lord God, by His inspiration the book was written, keeps the keys of the book, and alone can enable you to understand it profitably.”
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