Roll burdens upon God

Spurgeon, “Multitudinous Thoughts and Sacred Comforts”

Your present sorrow is the bitter bud of
greater joy. Your transient loss secures
your ultimate and never ceasing gain.

How I rejoice to believe that the Lord
shall choose my inheritance for me!

All things are fixed by my Father’s hand,
by no arbitrary and stern decree, but by
his wise counsel and tender wisdom. He
who loved us from before the foundations
of the world, has immutably determined
all the steps of our pilgrimage!

Why then, should you worry yourself?

There is a hand upon the helm which shall
steer your vessel safely enough between
the rocks, and by the quicksands, and away
from the shoals and the headlands, through
the mist, and through the darkness, safely
to the desired haven.

Our Pilot never sleeps, and his
hand never relaxes its grasp.

It is a blessed thing to cast your burden uponRoll burdens upon God

the Lord.

I charge you, therefore, children of God, in
times of dilemma, Roll burdens upon
God and he will sustain you, and make you to
rejoice in beholding his wisdom and his love.

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Are you ever weary . . .

If so, you want something to give you rest.

So look where you will, there is no rest for the
sole of your foot.

But there is a rest. Our blessed Lord says, “Come to
Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens,
and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

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