Have you ever thought?

(Octavius Winslow, “The Glory of the Redeemer in His People”)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio

Be cautious of grace denial.

You will need much holy wisdom here, lest you overlook the work of the Spirit within you.

You have thought, it may be, of the glory that Christ receives from . . .
brilliant genius,
profound talent,
splendid gifts,
glowing zeal,
costly sacrifices,
and extensive usefulness.

But have you ever thought of the glory–the far greater richer glory, that flows to Jesus from . . .
the contrite spirit,Have you ever thought?
broken heart,
lowly mind,
humble walk,
tear of godly repentance that falls when seen by no human eye,
sigh of godly sorrow which is breathed when heard by no human ear,
sin abhorrence,
self loathing,
deep sense of vileness, and poverty, and infirmity that takes you to Jesus with the prayer:

“Lord, here I am; I have brought to You . . .
my rebellious will,
wandering heart,
worldly affections,
peculiar infirmity,
my besetting and constantly overpowering sin.

Receive me graciously, put forth the mighty power of Your grace in my soul, and subdue all, and rule all, and subjugate all to Yourself! Will it not be for Your glory, the glory of Your great name . . .
if this strong corruption were subdued by Your grace;
or powerful sin were nailed to Your cross;
if this temper so volatile,
or heart so impure,
if these affections so truant,
or mind so dark,
if these desires so earthly,
pursuits so carnal,
aims so selfish
–were all entirely renewed by Your Spirit, sanctified by Your grace, and made each to reflect Your image? Yes, Lord, it would be for Your glory, through time and through eternity!”

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