Account ourselves richer

(Charles Simeon)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio

The poorest man in the universe is rich–if he has the salvation of God in his soul!

In the same way, the richest man in the universe is poor, miserably poor–if he is destitute of God’s salvation.

Behold Paul and Silas in prison, their feet fast bound in the stocks, and their backs torn with scourges–and yet singing praises to God at midnight!Account ourselves richer
Were they poor?
No! They were rich, truly rich!

In the same way, in having God for our portion, we are truly rich.

Paul, under such circumstances, accounted himself the richest man in the universe! And so he was; for, “though he had nothing–yet he possessed all things!” 2 Corinthians 6:10

In the same way, even though we are at this moment destitute of bread for the morrow, it may be said with truth, that “All things are ours, if we are Christ’s!” 1 Corinthians 3:22-23

Thus, if we can say, “The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and my cup!” Psalm 16:5–then we may account ourselves richer than those who have crowns and kingdoms at their command!

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Something to ponder
Henry Scougal, 1650-1678:
“Humility is a deep sense of our own baseness, with a hearty and affectionate acknowledgment of our owing all that we are to the divine bounty; which is always accompanied with a profound submission to the will of God, and great deadness to the glory of the world, and the applause of men.”
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