This is love!

(Henry Law, “Family Prayers”​…selections​)

This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins!” 1 John 4:9-10

Holy Father,
The heavens, the earth, and all that are therein, proclaim Your wondrous goodness. But Your love shines forth in surpassing luster at Calvary’s stupendous scene! Because At the cross we see Your heavenly grace removing the tremendous load of our iniquities from us–and heaping them all on Your beloved Son! We see Him standing as a transgressor in our place.
We see Him, who knew no sin–made sin for us,
the all-holy One–accounted as a curse;
Your justice leading the spotless Lamb to the slaughter, and rigorously demanding the full payment for all our sin-debt!

Therefore Charges against us are all obliterated.

The debt-book is cancelled.
If our sins are searched for, they cannot now be found!

Because The spotless Lamb is devoted to all anguish–that we may be inheritors of all joy.This is love!

He is cast off from You–that we may be brought near to You;

is treated as Your enemy–that we may be welcomed as Your friends;

and is deserted by You–that we may be received to Your everlasting favor.


O gracious Father, thus You spared not Your only begotten Son–that You may spare us!

All our sins are cast behind Your back–all are buried in the ocean of reconciling blood!


We can only fall low and cry, “We adore You for the gift of Your Son as our substitute; for the death of Your Son as our ransom!”


Blessed Jesus, we have been standing beneath Your cross.
The sight constrains us to the deepest humility.
Our vile iniquity–is the cause of Your shame!
We cannot fathom the sins which plunged You into such depths of unutterable woe;
estimate the burden of wrath which thus crushed You;
deny that the sins which stain us are evils of infinite malignity, since nothing but Your blood could wash away their guilty stains! As transgressors, we abhor ourselves before You.

While we humbly gaze–may we anxiously ponder, “Why, blessed Jesus–why did You thus die?”

Therefore May His precious answer sound through every part of our hearts and souls,
“I die–that you may not die;
lay down My life–to purchase your life.
I present Myself as a sin-offering to–expiate all your sins.
My blood thus streams–to wash out all your guilt.
The fountain is thus opened in My side–to cleanse you from all impurity.
endure your curse,
I thus pay your debt,
rescue you from all condemnation,
satisfy divine justice for you!”

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