
(Octavius Winslow, “Morning Thoughts”)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio

Now we see through a glass darkly (in a riddle), but then face to face;
now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known.”
1 Corinthians 13:12

The position which the Christian shall occupy hereafter will be most favorable to a full and clear comprehension of all the mysteries of the earthly journey.

The “clouds and darkness,” emblems in our history of obscurity and distress, which now envelope God’s throne, and enshroud His government of the saints–will have passed away; the mist and fog will have vanished, and, breathing a purer atmosphere, and canopied by a brighter sky–the glorified saint will then see every object, circumstance, incident, and step, with an eye unobscured by a vapor, and unmoistened by a tear.

And what shall we know?

All the mysteries of providence!Mysteries

Things which had made us greatly grieve–will then be seen to have been causes of the greatest joy.

Clouds of threatening, which appeared to us charged with the agent of destruction–will then unveil, and reveal the love which they embosomed and concealed.

Oh, what a perfect, harmonious, and glorious whole will all His doings in providence appear, from first to last–to the undimmed eye, the ravished gaze of His white-robed, palm-bearing Church!

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