The danger of worldly conformity

(Thomas Reade, “Christian Experience”)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio

Do not be conformed to this world.” Romans 12:2

The admonition implies the danger of worldly conformity, and proneness of  heart to earthly things.

Who can say that he is always raised above the undue influence of terrestrial objects; that he is daily passing, as it were, upon tiptoe, across this world of vanity? Alas! alas! We too often sink into the mire of earthly-mindedness, and have our thoughts absorbed amid the trifles of a day!

But what can this world profit us? The danger of worldly conformity

This world can neither secure us against temporal evils, nor save us from eternal misery! 

Because This world cannot, for a single moment, prolong our existence here, or make that existence peaceful and happy.

This world is often a clog, but never a help in moments of spiritual distress.

And yet, we love this world, though by its deceitful smile it . . .
robs us of our peace,
entangles us in its snares; and would,
if left under its power, eventually destroy our souls!

This world would no longer sway our affections, did we daily reflect how quickly it is passing away!

The heavenly-mindedness and contempt of this world which shone so brightly in the lives of the first Christians, may well cause us to blush. These devoted followers of a crucified Redeemer, did not study those arts of splendor which have overspread this world.

When the honor of their Divine Master required the sacrifice, they could trample under foot those profits and pleasures which ensnare and enslave mankind. They looked upon the delights and advantages of this world as things not worthy to arrest their affections, in their journey homeward.

Their spirits breathed in too pure an air, to be caught with the delusive charms of this lower world. It was their continual regard to dwell within the prospect of eternity! 

“All these faithful ones died without receiving what God had promised them, but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed the promises of God. They agreed that they were no more than foreigners and pilgrims here on earth!” Hebrews 11:13

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