Saving the fragments

(J.R. Miller, “Miller’s Year Book, a Year’s Daily Readings”)  LISTEN to audio! Download audio

“Gather the fragments that are left over. Let nothing be wasted!” John 6:12

It seems remarkable, that He who so easily could multiply the five loaves into an abundant meal for thousands, should be so particular about ‘saving the fragments‘. But Jesus would teach us economy. Because No matter how great our abundance, we should take care of the ‘fragments’. After we have eaten at our tables, there are hungry people who would be glad for the pieces that are left over. Saving the fragments

This applies also to the fragments of time. Many busy people waste whole years of time in their life, in the minutes which they lose every day! If at the end of a year they could gather up all these ‘fragments’, they would have many basketfuls of golden time in which they might do much good!

Likewise, we should not waste our strength. Many people waste their bodily energy, using it in play, or useless amusements–when it belongs to God, and ought to be employed to its last particle for His glory!

Likewise, we should not waste our affections by allowing them to be given to unworthy objects or people.

Therefore There is no limit to the application of this principle. We must give account of everything we have, even . . .
the minutes of time,
the little fractions of strength, and
the smallest bits of bread on our tables!

“Gather the fragments that are left over. Let nothing be wasted!” John 6:12
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