The light that is in you

(Octavius Winslow, “The God of Light”)  LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio

See to it that your religious knowledge is not borrowed from a church, or from a minister, or from a creed–but is derived directly and only from Christ. Let . . .
your knowledge of Christ,
faith in Christ,
love to Christ,
and obedience to Christ,
be the test and the measure of the light that is in you.

Is there not a great danger of borrowing our religious thoughts, sentiments, and phraseology, from others?

And was not this the case with the foolish virgins in the parable, when they exclaimed, “Please give us some of your  oil,  because  our lamps are going out!” Matthew 25:8

Oh, it is of the utmost importance that our religious light is not a borrowed or false light.The light that is in you

See that your religion is your own–the personal, vital experience of your own heart.

Nothing is easier, or more deceptive or fatal–than to . .  .
make a religious profession,
adopt a religious ritual,
imitate the experience,
and quote the language of others.

A borrowed or a counterfeit religion is of all religions, the most ensnaring and dangerous!

Do not go to the grave clad in the religious apparel of others, but robed in Christ’s true and joyous garments of salvation, girded with the golden belt of truth, holiness, and love.

Do not carry the empty, oilless,  flameless lamp of a mere religious profession, to death’s gate!

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