The Providence that supplies us

(James Smith)

In everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus!” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Because Everything we enjoy should be viewed as coming from the gracious and liberal hand of our sovereign God.

All was forfeited by our sin.

All that we receive is by His grace.

Therefore The Providence that supplies usis the wisdom, benevolence, and power of God in operation for us—as expressive of His infinite love and unmerited grace!

Our talents to provide supplies,
our opportunities to obtain them,
and our abilities to enjoy them,
—are alike from the Lord.

Because Every mercy increases our obligation and deepens our debt to free grace!

Therefore Thanksgiving is never out of season, for we have always much to be grateful for.

Because we must view all things as . . .The Providence that supplies us
arranged by His wisdom,
dependent on His will,
sanctified by His blessing,
according with His promises,
and flowing from His love!

Therefore “In everything give thanks!” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

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William Nicholson 1862

Thanksgiving is acceptable to God, and honors him. Psalm 50:23; 2 Corinthians 4:15. God neither needs our services nor our songs — as he is all perfection, and an everlasting harmony to himself, without the feeble notes that we can raise. Yet through Christ, he is well pleased with our imperfect praises. Because Where he has given his grace, the grateful heart is an instrument of music to him; and he loves it to be kept in tune, and to sound forth his praises.

Thanksgiving is the precursor of praise to be offered in the celestial temple! Because Thanksgiving is the practice-time, the rehearsal for the grand chorus of all the redeemed in Heaven! Therefore We are tuning our hearts here for perfect praise there!

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