He delights in His people

(James Smith, “The Believer’s Companion in Seasons of Affliction and Trouble” 1842) LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart!” Psalm 37:4

Delighting in worldly things, effectually prevents our delighting in God. Therefore it is often the case, that the Lord strips us of these things, or incapacitates us to enjoy them–in order to bring us back to delight in Himself.

He delights in His people, and He desires that His people to delight in Him. In order to accomplish this, He has revealed Himself in the most amiable characters, as . . .He delights in His people
a Husband,
Shepherd, and so forth–
all on purpose to endear Himself to us!

Surely if our hearts were right, we would delight in Him on account of . . .
His glorious perfections,
unalterable love,
the perfect atonement made for our sins,
promises made for our comfort and encouragement,
the gift of the Holy Spirit,
communion we are urged to hold with Himself,
and the glorious paradise of blessedness set before us,
–where we shall forever . . .
view the unfolding of His glories,
enjoy the riches of His grace, and
drink of the river of His pleasures!

Sick Christian, Jesus bids you to delight in Him!
Delight in Him as your Savior, Friend, and Brother;
in His person and glories!
His perfect work!
Delight in His glorious fullness;
in your salvation in Him, union to Him, and claim upon Him.
Oh, delight in Jesus!

You will have no permanent peace or solid satisfaction–but as you are delight in Him, and rejoice in Him, saying, “You are my portion, O Lord!”

He who delights in God has the desires of His heart, because they are in accordance with the purpose, promise, and pleasure of God.

The mind is thrown into the mold of God’s mind, and the soul cries from its inmost recesses, “Not my will, but may Your will be done!” Its pleasures are spiritual, permanent, and satisfactory. The desire for earthly things becomes very contracted; a little of the things of this poor world will satisfy a soul that is delighting in Jehovah.

Delighting in God always produces resignation and holy contentment. Whatever they have, they enjoy it as the undeserved gift of God; and they feel obligated and thankful for all. They would rather be conformed to God’s will, than have their own will. Because They know that His appointments are best, because they are infinitely wise, holy, and gracious. They can say, “I trust in You, O Lord, for You are my God! My times are in Your hand!” They find that godliness with contentment is great gain; and say with one of old, “The little that a righteous man has, is better than the riches of many wicked!” “Better a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure with turmoil.”

The presence, the promise, and the smile of God–are to them inestimably valuable; but other things are not so important. They seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all other necessary things are added unto them. Because They live at the fountain, when all the streams are dried up! They delight in God, when creatures fade and wither!
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