Let us daily give thanks

Spurgeon’s Thanksgiving Gems (LISTEN to the Audio)

“Our thanksgiving is measured by the depth of our awareness of what we’ve been delivered from, and of the glorious blessings which we shall soon partake of.”


Let us daily give thanks for the wonders of God’s astounding love in saving us from sin and damnation.”Let us daily give thanks


“The best way to show thankfulness to God for saving us is to live a life wholly devoted to Him.”


“We are debtors to God’s saving grace, and the very least we can do is to give Him endless thanks.”


“Those who have tasted the sweetness of pardon cannot but rejoice and give thanks. Gratitude is the soul’s natural response to God’s saving grace.”


“He who has been forgiven much–loves much and thanks much. True gratitude springs from a deep sense of what God has done for us in Christ.”


“Oh, that we might always feel our utter dependence on God’s grace, for then our unceasing thanksgiving will rise like sweet incense to God.”


“The more we realize the depth of our sin, and the more we marvel at the height of God’s mercy to us–the more thankfulness becomes the breath of our lives.”


“Our thanksgiving should be as abundant as God’s saving grace.
If He has saved us completely, let us thank Him endlessly.”


“The greatest of all sins is ingratitude, and the greatest of all virtues is thanksgiving.”


“When we are thankful, we are not only expressing our gratitude to God, but we are also expressing our dependence on God. We are saying, ‘I am nothing and You are everything.'”


“Oh, what a debt of love and gratitude we owe to the Lord who has redeemed us from the pit of destruction! Let our lives be psalms of thanksgiving to Him.”

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