(David Harsha, “Christ, and Him Crucified”)
“As for me, God forbid that I should boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, my interest in this world died long ago, and the world’s interest in me is also long dead.” Galatians 6:14
There is nothing so animating to the Christian as a sight of Calvary.
How despicable does the world appear in his view, when he obtains a glimpse of that cross on which his Savior died!
Everything else loses its luster when, by the eye of faith, the cross of Christ is seen.
“A sight of Jesus on the cross,
Makes all this world appear as dross!”
In this wicked world, the Christian thirsts for God, and pants to reach the mansions of glory.
The Christian looks beyond this dying world to his eternal home in glory. The cross of Jesus enables him to soar on high, and leave the world behind him. He looks forward to the glory that is to be revealed in him. He sets his affections on things above.
Oh, keep gazing on a crucified Savior, and the world will lose its charms!
We overcome the world through the cross.
It is a sight of the cross of Christ that weans the affections from sublunary objects, and centers them on heavenly and divine things.
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