Jesus is the crown of Heaven!

(Henry Law, “The Gospel in Numbers” 1858) … Heaven is a wide sea of bliss without a ripple. All tears are wiped away. And all faces beam with one enraptured smile. All lips confess, “The cup of happiness overflows!” We … Continued

The more we know of God

(edited from Thomas Reade’s, “Divine Sovereignty“) There is something peculiarly soothing to the heart of a pious Christian; to know that He who rules over all worlds, in whose hands are the destinies of nations, and who guides the minutest concerns … Continued

Justification and sanctification are not the same.

Thomas Watson, “The Lord’s Prayer“ ( LISTEN to the Audio, Or WATCH the Video on YouTube or SermonAudio) “You were sanctified; you were justified.” 1 Corinthians 6:11 Justification and sanctification are not the same.   Justification is without us; sanctification is within us.   The one is by righteousness imputed; the other is … Continued

True conversion

​J.C. Ryle, “Conversion” (LISTEN to the Audio, WATCH the Video on SermonAudio or YouTube.) … The effects of the Spirit’s work in conversion will always be seen. Those effects may be weak and feeble at first. But there where there is true conversion, some fruit will always be seen. … Continued

 The richest treasure of the world!

​(Henry Law, “Beacons of the Bible” 1869) The Bible is the richest treasure of the world! Without it, the palace is a dark blank. With it, the poor cottage sparkles with celestial light. It is the transcript of God’s heart; tells what human reason is too … Continued

Be the fortress to which continually we flee.

(Henry Law, “Family Prayers”) O God of patience and consolation, glory be to You for this throne of grace. Make it ever to us–the chosen pleasure-ground of our souls. May it be the fortress to which continually we flee. Here we obtain mercy and … Continued

He sees us

(Letters of John Newton) “Surely I am with you always — to the very end of the age!” Matthew 28:20 In our natural state, — we conceive of God as at a distance. But when the heart is awakened, we begin to … Continued

Consider His character as a model

​(J.A. James, “Christian Fellowship” 1822 “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart” Matthew 11:29 “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5  Be kind and compassionate… Christians … Continued

The sorrow of the Christian

(James Smith, “The Pastor’s Evening Visit”) “Your sorrow shall be turned into joy!” John 16:20 The sorrow of the Christian must be transient. Because It is like the passing cloud on the summer’s day; or the chill of winter which must give place to the genial warmth … Continued

Apply Your Word with power

Charles Spurgeon (LISTEN to the Audio, Or WATCH the Video on either SermonAudio or YouTube.) Psalm 1:2, “His delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night.” You are retired for your private devotions; you have … Continued