Make God your Confidant

Something to ponder: “Dear friend, Make God your Confidant. Carry to Him all your needs, disclose to Him all your sorrows, confide to Him all your secrets, confess to Him all your sins. He will do all, soothe all, supply all, and … Continued

I run to Him

(Mary Winslow, “Life in Jesus”) When disappointed in the creature, I take refuge at once in Jesus! I run to Him, and find Him all my heart could wish! Lord, how could I live without You? You are . . . … Continued

Your Word has revived me

(Thomas Guthrie) “Oh, how I love Your Law! I meditate on it all day long!” Psalm 119:97 YOUR WORD HAS REVIVED ME The Bible is . . . an armory of heavenly weapons, a pharmacy of infallible medicines, a mine … Continued

Oh to be there

(Mary Winslow) Without Jesus life would be an aching void, earth a wilderness of woe and sorrow! He can transform this wilderness into a little heaven, making it radiant with His presence! What must heaven itself be! OH TO BE … Continued

I take refuge in…

(Mary Winslow, “Life in Jesus”) When disappointed in the creature, I take refuge at once in Jesus! I run to Him, and find Him all my heart could wish! Lord, how could I live without You? You are . . . … Continued