Unhindered access

(J.R. Miller, “Daily Bible Readings in the Life of Christ” 1890) LISTEN to audio!  Download audio “Our Father in Heaven!” Matthew 6:9 This is the ‘golden gate’ of the temple of prayer! When our Lord taught His disciples how to … Continued

Better things in store for us

(adapted from Mary Winslow‘s, “Heaven Opened”) What a mercy that there are better things in store for us than this poor world could give! Who that knows the truth experimentally would wish to live in this base world one moment … Continued

Six reasons

“Six Reasons For Being TRIUMPHANTLY HAPPY” by John DickieOh, how triumphantly happy might we always be, if we were to live under the felt power of the following truths which we profess to believe: REASON 1 1st, That God is … Continued

whom shall we fear

(Octavius Winslow, “Morning Thoughts”) “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31. With such a Father, such a Friend, and such a Comforter, who can wage a successful hostility against the children of God? Whom shall we fear? God Himself cannot … Continued

Let me not worry

(Alexander Smellie, “The Hour of Silence” 1899) “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6:26 … Continued

Your will be done

(J.R. Miller) “Father, if You are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from Me. Yet I want Your will be done, not Mine.” Luke 22:42 A cross is composed of two pieces of wood. The shorter piece represents your will–and the longer piece represents God’s will. … Continued

the ‘gate of prayer’

(J.R. Miller, “The Wider Life” 1908)  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio “Lord, teach us to pray!” Luke 11:1 A little child missed her mother at a certain time every day. The mother’s habit was to slip away upstairs alone, and to be … Continued

I have a continual need

(John MacDuff, “A Book of Private Prayers” 1890)   My Father in Heaven, I approach the footstool of Your throne of grace, through the merits and mediation of Him whom You always hear. My best motives are mingled with selfishness; my best actions are … Continued

He is Our Father

(J.C. Pittman, “Bible Truths Illustrated” 1917) A Roman emperor, after a successful military campaign, was returning in triumph to Rome. Great throngs filled the city to welcome the mighty hero. While passing through one of the crowded thoroughfares, a little … Continued

There yet is hope in God!

(edited from Octavius Winslow’s “Hoping in the Lord”) How sweet and assuring is the trust of a child in a parent’s love, care, and protection. Such a Father is ours! We may trust in His forgiveness, to cancel our greatest … Continued