Peace that flows from believing

Letters of John Newton) LISTEN to audio!  Download audio “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows!” John 16:33 Dear friend, You have lately been in the furnace–and are now brought safely out. I hope you have much … Continued

He will be our guide

(Spurgeon) He will be our guide! “In proportion as the dear crucified Savior reigns in your soul, and his beauties ravish your heart; in that proportion you feel that all is safe because you are in his hands.”   Something to ponder Charles Spurgeon: “A sitting silently at the feet … Continued

I shall be safe

(J. R. Miller, “The Beauty of Self-control”) “Hold me up—and I shall be safe!” Psalm 119:117 Certain ancient mariners were accustomed to say, as they put out to sea, “Keep me, O God, for my boat is so small—and the ocean is … Continued

Guide me by Your counsel…

(John MacDuff, “The Gates of Prayer”)  Anew I commend myself to Your gracious keeping this day. Guide me by Your counsel, guard me from temptation, lead me in the everlasting way. May every unloving thought, every unworthy aim and aspiration–give place to what is pure and unselfish … Continued