The fullness of the joy

(Charles Spurgeon, “Joy Born at Bethlehem”) (Listen to the Audio) Perhaps you know the legend, or perhaps true history of the awakening of Augustine. He dreamed that he died, and went to the gates of Heaven. And the keeper of … Continued

A vital union

(Octavius Winslow, “My Times in God’s Hand”)   Oh! the unutterable blessings that flow from a vital union with the Lord Jesus! all of your cares are His cares. And all of your sorrows are His sorrows. All of your … Continued

Jesus has pardoned

(Stephen Tyng, “A Series of Practical Meditations”) (You will find it helpful to Listen to the Audio, as you read the text below.) “Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more!” Romans 5:2 “I will forgive their wickedness, and will remember their sins no … Continued

It is Jesus who shall rivet our gaze

(Charles Spurgeon, “Now, and Then“) Listen to the Audio There have been many suggestions of what we shall do in Heaven, and what we shall enjoy; but they all seem to me to be wide of the mark compared with … Continued

The more you are acquainted with Jesus

(Letters of William Romaine, 1714-1795) The more you are acquainted with Jesus Dear friend, May Jesus be yours–all that He is, and all that He has. Then you will be as rich as an archangel! May He captivate you more with His … Continued

If any doubt there is forgiveness with God

(Charles Spurgeon)  LISTEN to audio!  Download audio Oh! Think of the Savior descending from the starry heights of glory, and coming down into the Virgin’s womb; and then descending from that lowly manger of Bethlehem, even to the cross and … Continued

If you are a follower of Jesus

(Charles Spurgeon)  Play Audio!  Download “It is enough for the disciple that he be like his master.” Matthew 10:25When our Lord was on earth, what treatment did He receive? Were His claims acknowledged, His instructions followed, and His perfections worshiped, … Continued

The Bridegroom of our souls

(James Smith, “The Love of Christ! The Fullness, Freeness, and Immutability of the Savior’s Grace Displayed!“) Play Audio!  Download Audio Jesus presents Himself unto us as the Bridegroom of our souls. He says, “I will betroth you to Me forever, … Continued

An Almighty Fellow Sufferer

(John MacDuff, “The Faithful Promiser”) AN ALMIGHTY FELLOW SUFFERER “I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you.” John 14:18 Blessed Jesus! How Your presence . . . sanctifies trial, takes loneliness from the chamber of sickness, and … Continued

What are the world’s consolations

(John MacDuff)  LISTEN to audio! Jeremiah 8:22, “Is there no Balm in Gilead? Is there no Physician there?” There is not a wounded person on earth for which there is not Balm in Gilead, and a Physician there. Christ is … Continued