Trust Him for His grace

(Charles Spurgeon) TRUST HIM FOR HIS GRACE! “Having loved His own who were in the world–He loved them to the very end!” John 13:1 Christian, God’s love to you is always the same. He cannot love you more–and He will … Continued

Love and strength of God

(J. R. Miller, “In Perfect Peace”) So frail is human strength, though behind it is tenderest, truest love. All that love can do, all that money can do, all that skill can do—avail nothing. Human arms may clasp us very … Continued

My Savior loved me!

(James Smith, “The Love of Christ! The Fullness, Freeness, and Immutability of the Savior’s Grace Displayed!”) LISTEN to Audio!  Download Audio “I have loved you, My people, with an everlasting love! With unfailing love I have drawn you to Myself!” … Continued

Does He notice me?

(Frank Hall) “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34 Jesus of Nazareth, the sinless Son of God, was hated without cause, arrested, beaten, mocked, laughed at, reviled, ridiculed, spat upon, shamed, stripped naked, crowned with … Continued

God sees me

(Henry Law, “Psalms” 1878) “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in Your bottle. You have recorded each one in Your book.” Psalm 56:8 “God sees me,” is the sweet solace of the true believer. … Continued

God’s love is free

(James Smith, “Loved and Blessed” 1860)  Play Audio!  Download Audio To love, and be loved–is real happiness. Our highest honor and our sweetest happiness below, is to be beloved of God. For if God loves us, He will withhold no truly good … Continued

The Lord is in this place

 (Letters of John Newton) “Surely I am with you always — to the very end of the age!” Matthew 28:20 In our natural state, — we conceive of God as at a distance. But when the heart is awakened, we begin to … Continued

Why me Lord?

(Charles Spurgeon, “Love’s Vigilance Rewarded”)  Play Audio!  Download Why me Lord? Words cannot express the joy of heart that I feel in knowing that Jesus is with me and that He has loved me with an everlasting love! I shall … Continued

His love is so vast

(“Every Day!” Author unknown, 1872) “May you know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge!” Ephesians 3:19 Christ’s love surpasses knowledge! Blessed fact! His love is so vast, so full, so free–that it cannot in its completeness be comprehended by … Continued

His nature was love

(James Smith)  Play Audio!  Download “Long ago You established the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands. They will perish, but You will endure; all of them will wear out like clothing. You will change them like … Continued