An all-sufficient support

(Henry Law)  LISTEN to audio!  Download Audio “Man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward!” Job 5:7 “In this world you will have trouble!” John 16:33 Trials will thicken. Temptations will threaten. Afflictions will overwhelm.     … Continued

Here is the whole secret

(James Smith, “My Support” 1859) “They attacked me at a moment when I was in distress—but the Lord was my support!” Psalm 18:18 Believer, you and I can look back—and wonder how it is that we are where we are, … Continued

A sure and present help!

(Henry Law, “Leviticus“) Christ is a sure and present help. Trials thicken; temptations threaten; and afflictions run strong. But take comfort. He is with you with  . . . an arm of power; a heart of tenderness; and a voice of love. In deepest billows, He … Continued

The Lord has upheld

(James Smith, “My Support” 1859) “They attacked me at a moment when I was in distress—but the Lord was my support!” Psalm 18:18 Believer, you and I can look back—and wonder how it is that we are where we are, … Continued

An all sufficient support

(Henry Law, “Leviticus“) Christ is a sure and present help. Trials thicken; temptations threaten; and affliction’s tide runs strong. But still take comfort. He, who is with you, has  . . . an arm of power; a heart of tenderness; and a voice of love. In … Continued

Our Support…

(James Smith, “My Support” 1859) “They attacked me at a moment when I was in distress—but the Lord was my support!” Psalm 18:18 Believer, you and I can look back—and wonder how it is that we are where we are, and what we are: how … Continued